10 Ways to Procrastinate Productively

Olive Street Design’s  Top 10 Ideas to Procrastinate While Still Being Productive:

While you may lose focus occasionally during exhausting work days of your task at hand, there are still some things you can do that will end up being productive while you are procrastinating. Here is a list of the best ways to procrastinate.

1.   Keep Up To Date With the Greats

 Follow your favorite industry blogs and other blogs where the author is an expert in their field. It is a great idea to read up on new and established ideas from experts so you can utilize this knowledge ti improve your business.

2.    Schedule Your Tweets.

Scheduling your company’s tweets ahead of time is a great way to get ahead while you are feeling a case of the procrastination blues. This would help you out if you have some busy meetings or vacation time approaching, that you would not have to worry about posting during those times. It will relieve stress to get tweets out of the way. It is best to schedule the tweets at a consistent time so users will come to expect some sort of tweet from you around that time. We believe tweeting right at the morning-around 8:00 am, late afternoon-around 1:00pm then another good one would be around 5:00pm when people are leaving work. Hootsuite is an effective way to manage this process.

3.    Double Check Your Sources.

Are you sure all your website and blog photos are properly cited with the correct source?All photos used on your site that you do not own must be properly cited or you can face a potential large lawsuit, which is something that can be avoided. Make sure all your images are copy-right free and follow up on copyright infringement penalties.

4.    Learn Google+.

You can help boost your search engine ranking by sharing article links and claiming authorship of articles you have written. Show your profile more love and attention next time you feel like procrastinating and the Google search engines will end up reciprocating.

5.    Increase Your Focus.

If you’re feeling a bit groggy, check out Lumosity and create a free account to begin “training” your brain to be better at memorizing, multitasking and avoiding distractions – something you probably have issues with if you’re looking for productive ways to procrastinate. All of these skills will greatly benefit you at work as they are all essential work skills to increase productivity.

6.    Build Your Twitter Audience.

Create a new Twitter list or add to one you already have by following high-value accounts on a consistent basis. Some great examples of good people to follow on twitter would be journalists who cover your industry, innovative competitors, and business leaders in related fields, are all great users to follow, and Twitter lists will make finding their tweets much easier. By interacting with high-value accounts on a regular basis, you’ll increase your network – and your company’s visibility.

7.  Update Your Keywords.

One of the most rewarding ways to procrastinate is to research SEO keywords. It is important to keep up with the latest keyword trends, as they can change quickly and you need to act fast and change with them if you want to remain relevant in the online world and to keep your strong ranking. You should update your website’s targeted keywords every six months.

8.  Update Your Calendar. 

Make sure your calendar is all up to date with everything coming up.Check local events calendars for networking parties and charity fundraisers, then score some tickets and mark your calendar.

9. Explore a New Social Media Site. 

A great way to get ahead of competitors in your field is to be one of the first ones to be a part of the next trending social media site.Stay up to date with up and coming social media sites and research how any of them could potentially help your business. Be creative. You do not want to be left in the dark when everybody has the new site and you do not. It will help you out if you know what the next big trend is before your rivals.

10.  Read a Book or Novel. 

People seem to forget about reading books nowadays. Reading a book can be the single most beneficial thing you do to be more productive you can do. There is an abundance of great material to catch up on related to your field and learning other business life skills like managing time at work, gaining web traffic and social media marketing. Just remember that there is always something else you can read and learn. The more you read, the more knowledge you have.


For a bonus 11th productive ways tip, you could add “writing a blog”. This does seem very obvious but the benefits of it should not be understated. Writing a Blog will increase your chances of being found online and that is exactly what you want.

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