Olive Street Design Launches Juul E-Cigarette Lawsuits

Olive Street Design is proud to launch a new website for Romanucci & Blandin: Juul Lawsuits.

E-cigarette manufacturers, namely JUUL, are using false and deceptive sales, marketing, labeling and advertising, specifically targeting young people to encourage and promote e-cigarette use (e.g., vaping). These practices have caused significant, permanent injuries to thousands of people – mainly comprising young and vulnerable individuals.

Romanucci & Blandin, LLC, is more than just a law firm – it is a litigation firm. They litigate all cases in a court of law to ensure maximum compensation for clients and their families. Their extensive experience, knowledge and dedication to helping the catastrophically injured have helped us recover over half a billion dollars for our clients, with dozens of cases exceeding $1 million.

Romanucci & Blandin are currently collecting information for the potential of filing lawsuits in the future.

Contact them today for a free consultation at (312) 458-1000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can check out their new site at https://www.ecigarettelawsuitillinois.com/

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