Olive Street Design Launches a New Website for the University of Florida Arts in Medicine

Olive Street Design is proud to launch a new website for the University of Florida Arts in Medicine.

The arts and culture sector offers rich ground for collaboration and innovation in public health. This framework highlights six areas of individual- and population-level health and identifies outcomes that can be enhanced through arts and cultural approaches.

An increasing focus on health equity in public health highlights the need for approaches and interventions that not only support individuals’ health but that also address upstream drivers of health outcomes: structures, systems, environments, policies. Such interventions require innovative, collaborative efforts that (a) are responsive to culture, lived experience, and community assets; and (b) support health and well-being at multiple levels of the social ecological model.

Contact the University of Florida Arts in Medicine at www.covid.response.arts.ufl.edu. If you are in need of a new website, contact us today at www.olivestreetdesign.com.

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